Thursday, September 5, 2013

Breaking News!!!

     I have breaking news. So breaking that I have not even told my mom yet! YIKES!!!

     The Anti-Bride 2013 is now The ANTI-BRIDE 2014!!! Yes that is right, we have officially pushed our wedding festivities back to Fall 2014.

     Don't look so shocked. I hinted that this would be a possibility in one of my other posts. I'm actually very very very relieved. It was an exhale moment, and I'm glad that it is over. 

     I haven't decided what I'm going to tell people. I think I'm just going to stick with a short prepared statement that goes something like this aheemm, "next year is just a better time for us." 

     Yep, that it! That sounds great! That statement pretty much sums it up. I'm not going to give anyone anymore detail than that. First it isn't anyone's business, and secondly they're going to think what they want to think anyway.

     Those of you who have been following the blog since the beginning have a pretty good understanding as to why we pushed our date back. Those of you who are wondering why we pushed the date back well....... "next year is just a better time for us."

     Just kidding I had to practice on someone!!!

     Let me give you a more detailed answer. There's a very fine line between -- 
The Anti-Bride:
The Anti-Bride is non-traditional and somewhat disconnected with the wedding world. The Anti-Bride is always ready to do her own thing, and everyone else can kick rocks!


The Unstable-Bride:

The Unstable-Bride is one minor meltdown away from getting on the interstate and attempting to drive to Puerto Rico to escape it all. 

     I started out as The Anti-Bride. "The Fiance" and I had a solid plan, and we were pretty much ready for anything. I had my mind made up what I wanted, when I wanted it, and no one was going to tell me anything different. And then I lost my job, my extra income, my confidence, and I did the absolute WORST thing any Anti-Bride could do....... I asked for advice.

     Receiving advice when you're not in a comfortable place can sometimes do more harm than good. Since I was an Anti-Bride my ideas seemed so irrational, and just odd to others. I am in a much much much better place right now. I allowed myself to feel every emotion both publicly (on this blog) and privately. I have spoken (spoken at length to basically anyone who will stand long enough to listen) about my struggles with the wedding process and my relationship. Now that chapter is done I think I have moved past it. 

     Yup there isn't much more to say about it.

     Closing words, I was really really really afraid to change my date. I was afraid of what people would think. Then I had to step outside of myself and say "SELF, we are spending a lot of money so people can celebrate the fact that we have signed a contract. Whoever has a problem with us changing the date of our celebration doesn't need to come. I mean really!!??!! Free food, free boozs, they get to dress up, and see people that they haven't seen in decades. They will get over the fact that we changed our date. And if they don't get over us changing the date they can respectfully decline not to come." 

     One message that I will say to ALL BRIDES is: this is your experience and you have the right to experience it however you want. ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE PAYING FOR IT!!! If it's not the right time it's okay to wait. 


The Anti-Bride 2013 2014
Twitter: @theantibride2013


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