Sunday, September 1, 2013

A September To Remember

           I’ve been gone on an unintended hiatus. Never mind that, because I am back!! And I am back with 3 new challenges that I am sure all of you regular followers are going to enjoy. I am calling my challenges my “September to Remember” challenges.

        The first challenge is my blog a day challenge. That is right! I will be committing to posting at least one new entry a day on this blog!! I started this blog because I wanted to document my growth throughout this wedding planning experience. It’s understandable that there are some things that will be too private to share. However, I do feel that there are a lot of experiences that I have not shared and should share. So I want to start regularly blogging.

The second challenge is a detox of the mind challenge. I am challenging myself to: stay off social media (unless it is related to this blog), stay off celebrity gossip websites, and limit my reality TV watching to 3 reality shows per week. I started this challenge yesterday when I deactivated my personal Facebook account.

       This challenge was a long overdue challenge and I just decided to take the plunge Friday evening. On Friday I went with one of my really good old friends to Mountain Creek Water Park in Vernon, NJ.

        I had so much fun. I had that “carefree adolescent fun” like I was 9 years old again. For the first time in years I wasn’t thinking about anything, well except the next water ride I was going to go on. I was living in the moment. It was one of those experiences that made me realize how caught up I was getting in things that really don’t matter.

In the beginning like many people I used social media and celebrity gossip websites as a way to escape from my life. I think that I got so caught up in this alternate world that I wasn’t living my life. I was comparing myself to EVERYONE else. It’s unhealthy. I started to really not like myself, and that’s a dangerous and scary place to be. I am working on finding a balance. I want to take all the time that I wasted and use it to expand my mind literally.

Expanding my mind leads me to my next challenge I am going to start taking FREE online language courses. I always always always said that I want to be fluent in 4 languages before I turn 30. Well I may have to push it back to 35, but either way it is very possible for me to learn different languages. I just need to commit to it. There is no better time than the present.

The month of September kicks off the start of the fall season. The fall or autumn season has always been my FAVORITE season, even when I was a kid. It’s a peaceful and cleansing time of the year. The air gets cool, the mosquitos die, kids go back to school, and adults start to look towards the end of the year and holiday season. It’s just a really calm time of year.

    I am really looking forward to these challenges.

            In closing words I have an 4th unofficial challenge which is to post at least 3 messages on twitter related to the blog post for the day, the antibride blog in general, or a random wedding thing that I have found out about. You can follow me on twitter at @theantibride2013. You can also feel free to email me at


The Anti-Bride 2013

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