Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Personal Post: The Anti-Bride 2013 On The Government Shutdown

    I try to shy away from current events. I want to keep my blog light hearted and most importantly stick to the topic at hand MY WEDDING. But life still happens during the wedding process. So I have to vent and get some things off my chest about this whole Government Shutdown.

    Seriously, can you believe this?

     I’m so happy that I waited a few hours before typing this post. If I typed this post early this morning as intended you would have thought very differently of me. It’s the afternoon, and I am in a much much much calmer place. I have had some time to relax and take things in.

    I’m still very disturbed by this whole Government Shutdown thing. I am somewhat really disturbed by the nonchalant way in which people are reacting to it. Not sure where you are, but here in NYC people are talking about it but it’s not a HUGE deal. When I think Government shutdown I think

Fallout Shelter

I think prepare like a hurricane is coming

I think this is the big one, Armageddon is here

    It hasn’t been like that all. It’s really just been business as usual. This is so mind boggling to me because it’s truly going against everything I was taught from like….. I dunno… BIRTH!!
    In history, social studies, and our US Government classes in school we are taught to trust in our Government and elected officials. We’re taught they’re our leaders. In my mind it’s like we are playing a game of flag football and the Government Officials are the Referees.

    With that being said …... we’re seriously going to keep playing this game without Refs??? Like hold on…. wait… who’s keeping score?

    I’m just so disturbed by this.

    I am also disturbed by the issue at hand causing the “shutdown,” which is health care. It’s just really really really really really hard for me to grasp that in THIS century and in THIS Country the Government still cannot come to an agreement on caring for citizens health.

    I don’t want to go too far into my personal beliefs on this topic. What I will say regarding my beliefs is this………. I don’t believe you can consider yourself to be a progressive country if your government cannot come to an amicable agreement on two things:
  1. Food
  2. Caring for the health and well being of it’s citizens

    Forget religion, forget race, or sexual orientation or any of that other stuff. In my opinion if the leadership of a nation cannot agree on how to feed its people and/or how to care for its people there is a HUGE problem. Regardless of where you stand on the issues of health care -- the fact that the leaders of THESE UNITED STATES have allowed this debate to spin so far out of control that the ONLY solution is to “shutdown” the Government says a whole lot. The fact that citizens of this Country are not going hard on every social media outlet available to voice their opinions about this says a lot as well.

    Don’t get me started on the whole  “what are we supposed to do??” whine. Remember back in 2009 when Twitter almost “shutdown” when Michael Jackson died. Now that’s public shock and outrage.

    The world went nuts for weeks. Brian Williams was quoting TMZ on NBC Nightly News. It was a REALLY REALLY big deal for quite some time. They interrupted regular television to report that. Michael Jackson had his own icon on the scroll ticker thing at the bottom of the TV. I am a child of the 80’s so I believe that reaction was just. But I also believe that there should be a public reaction to this as well. The fact that there isn’t a huge public reaction to this Government Shutdown really shows where we are as a Country.

    In closing, I believe that we are in a very scary place in this Country. Every generation in this Country  has dealt with their share of very scary and difficult stuff. What makes this time so difficult and so scary is the illusion that everything is okay. There are people who truly believe that thing aren’t as bad off as they are, and that’s very scary.

    For me there is no worse fear than fear of the unknown. During what we deem to have been the most difficult times in this country everything was so clear. Things were so black and white LITERALLY! We knew WHO the racist WERE and WHERE they WERE. We knew WHO the poor WERE and WHERE they WERE. We knew WHO the crooks WERE and WHERE they WERE. We wanted to be more progressive so we encouraged the belief system of integration and equality (which of course is a good thing).

    Now that we are becoming more and more of an integrated society we don’t know who’s who. It’s so hard because you can live right next door to a person and their “reality” is different from your “reality.” So we carry on as business as usual, so much so that The Government of the United States of America has decided not to do carry on business and everything is okay. Yeah I don’t know about you but I’m kinda scared.  

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