Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Career Update: Working Anti-Bride vs. Stay-At-Home Antibride

I started working in October and the first 3 weeks were very overwhelming. Overwhelming turned into busy.  The entire month of November I didn’t know if I was coming or going. SERIOUSLY. Being on the other side of the madness, I can say in hindsight I am grateful for the experience. This experience is really reshaping my relationship.  

Shaping my relationship in what ways you ask?? Well…… know me always one to break a topic into sub-topics. Let’s explore this chapter in the saga of the Anti-Bride.

Shift in Our Home Dynamic

When I started working I saw a huge shift in our home dynamic. As much as I am embarrassed to admit it I really spoiled “The Fiance” when I was a stay-at-home spouse. I was so overcome with guilt, shame, and embarrassment, because I felt that I dropped the ball financially after getting fired. That guilt led me to  basically let “The Fiance” get away with EVERYTHING. I’m talking from something as simple as leaving the toilet seat up (which he rarely does) to forgetting to inform me that there isn’t gas in the car after he gives me the keys.

When I went back to work this past October I just didn’t have the time to dedicate to our home like I did in the past. “The Fiance”  was the first to notice the lack of dedication. Naturally he didn’t hold his tongue about it. We would get into arguments about everything. We got into an argument because he didn’t  want to eat dinner. Why???? Well, because my spaghetti tasted funny.

We argued because he left a napkin in one of his pockets, and I discovered it after I washed clothes. Needless to say there was tissue matted on everything.

The adjustment process from my old job staying at home -- to my new job, working out of the house, was an oh so long of a process. I really didn’t think we would come out of it. We were fighting like cats and dogs.

Now that I’ve been working for going on 3 months we’ve both noticed that  things have gotten A LOT BETTER!

It took a while for us to realize why we were fighting. I felt like, and sometimes I still feel like but that’s another blog post, “The Fiance” was always riding me. I needed him to take on some responsibilities because taking care of a household is a job in itself.

I see that he’s really trying, and I am okay with that. I feel like despite who we may think we are, we are a lot like our parents, or those who raised us. While both of us were raised in a traditional two parent household, I was raised with both parents sharing the responsibility of housework. “The Fiance”  was raised with his mother doing the primary share of the housework, while “The  Fiance’s” father delegated  tasks and jobs to “The Fiance” and his sister. In my ideal household everyone does their fair share.

Getting Props For Being A Career Woman

Despite the rocky start, and by rocky I mean Rocky…..

I started to get props for getting up and going to work. Commuting from Brooklyn to the Upper East-Side of Manhattan isn’t always an easy and pleasant process. Especially in the cold when the transit system can be sketchy. 

Then there is my schedule to contend with. There are more days where I don’t work a traditional Mon-Fri. 9am-5pm schedule than I like.  There have been days where I would get home after midnight only to have to be at work the next day at 9 am. Talk about brutality.

In the end it’s pretty much worth it. I don’t have the “extended” family riding me and judging me for just “sitting at home all day.” People are now way more respectable of my time than before. I get courtesy texts before phone calls. Or if someone calls they will start off the conversation with “is this a bad time, because I know you’re really busy.”

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, yes Aretha Franklin was preaching the Gospel when she shouted out those letters in that song.

It’s such a simple thing but the respect that I get now that I have a job is something that I find to be………… HMMM astonishing……… even fascinating.

I’ve said it at nausea but I will say it again, as a stay-at-home “spouse” I was still very busy. I was also collecting unemployment when I stayed-at-home. On average the amount I collected in unemployment benefits is roughly the same amount as what I make weekly at my current job. My job is, I guess you can say, a “per diem--temporary--assignment.” There are weeks where I am actually paid less than what I collected on unemployment. Despite that the respect that I receive now from family and friends is through the roof. I can’t help but to feel as if I didn’t get that same respect when I wasn’t working, because there was always this assumption that I wasn’t doing anything at all.

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard, “oh your Fiance’s load is a little lighter now that you’re back working.” I’ve also heard, “oh I know that you feel better to be able to get out of the house.” The truth of the matter is being an ambitious person I was going to find something to keep me busy and make money even if I never worked for another company again. I felt like right before I got my job that I was beginning to find my place. I was going to writing workshops, looking into ways to expound on this whole “Anti-Bride” thing, and I was getting the groundwork in place to pursue a career in speech pathology.


At this point none of that matters. I finally got the respect that I’ve been fighting for throughout the past year. So now I'm going to work hard to not lose it. Which means when my current job assignment is over it is important to not tell anyone.

You Can’t Lose Your Sh*t

Pardon the expletive. This sub-topic is probably the most important sub-topic in shaping how my relationship changed when I went back to work. I had to learn that despite whatever is going on I cannot lose my “sh*t.” I have to be a grownup and figure out the best time, and best way to communicate whatever my grievances and problems are with “The Fiance.”

Two of the most immediate issues that occurred when I started back to work  focused on my schedule, and my pay. Both were explained to me when I accepted the position. However, having never worked a per diem job, like this one, before I wasn’t fully aware of what I didn’t know until it was time to get paid. I work as luxury retail sales specialist for a luxury retail store in Manhattan. It’s a commission based sales job, but it works on a draw.

In regular people’s terms I have to make my sales goals or else I am screwed. If I sell a very pricey item I better hope to the luxury sales gods that the person doesn’t return it. A return on a high end item reflects my sales goals for the day/week/month. So my strategy is to bust my but selling lower priced items to locals, and higher priced items to tourist. Preferably tourists whose flight leaves the next day! There have been times when people have returned items, and that has put me in the hole which reflects my pay.

My job isn’t a tough job, but as I stated before it can be tough when I don’t meet my goals. With a wedding approaching, and all of life’s other expenses “The Fiance” and I are on a tight budget. I took a huge pay cut when I was let go from my job earlier this year. It took almost 4 months before I began to receive unemployment benefits. While I have been grateful to have the option to collect unemployment, the monies that I received didn’t compare to what I made. I was hoping with this job I would receive a little more than what I was getting on unemployment.

Unfortunately I have been breaking even with my current job. This stresses me out at times. What I had to learn is that this stress is normal stress. This stress is the good old fashion “Americana” stress that we all carry. I just have to learn how to channel my stress into the right outlets. At home there are times where I have to push myself to do things that I may not want to do. There are also times where I have to hold my tongue and not react to things “The Fiance” does or say. I.E. I cannot lose my “sh*t.” The moment that I lose it and snap on my hubby-to-be, or lay in bed rather than wash those extra loads of clothes -- that my friends is the moment when all hell breaks loose in my house.

In closing, I have around 6 weeks left at this assignment before it is over. I am still in the works on what will be happening next for me career wise. Stayed tuned!


The Anti-Bride 2013
Twitter: @theantibride2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

A Wedding Post: Is It Tacky To Request Gift Cards?

      Hello all!!! So I've been up since 3:25 am this morning, like most mornings. Don't ask?!!! 

     Forget it I'll just tell you... "The Fiance" has to be at work at an Un-Godly hour. As a spouse in training I see him off in the mornings. Not by choice. I just sort of gave in.

      My sleep patterns are completely off because of his work schedule. I swear we live in a different time zone. It really is that bad. Some days I am able to go right back to sleep. Most days I'm not. So today like most days I browsed the internet. Today, unlike most days, I decided to be productive and get some "wedding stuff" out of the way. 

      Getting "wedding stuff" done at 4:00 am on a Monday morning is one of the reasons why I am an Anti-Bride. The following bridal stuff got done today:

  • Found my Save The Date Magnets & Enclosure Cards at a reasonable price
  • Updated my wedding website on
  • Committed in my mind to visit two host hotels within the next 3 or 4 weeks.
     Yep, a pretty productive morning to say the least.

     The second bullet point is what instigated the topic of today's post. While updating my wedding website on I decided to update the registry portion. That's where all the drama began!!!

      I have a beef with registries of ANY kind!

      Not that kind of beef. I'm talking NBA rivalry type beef!

     That's more like it!!!

     I don't like registries because I feel like they:
  • put a lot pressure on you as the guest
  • make guests feel GUILTY if they want to purchase something that's not on the registry
  • make guests feel like they're being told what to get and how much to spend
  • make guests feel like time is of the essence to get certain items (i.e. people usually get the least expensive items first)
  • make guests wonder how do we know you're even going to use it (not that it is anyone's business)
     I understand the purpose of using registries. Registries can make life easier in certain situations. For example if you're getting married but neither of you have ever lived on your own, then yes a registry is important. If your having a baby for the first time, then yes a registry is important. After your first home, and your first kid registries become a bit of a nuisance. 

     For my bridal shower I struggled to put items on my registry. Wait.....first I struggled with what stores to choose from. I may like to shop at Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, and Saks, but you, the guests, may not be with all that. So I tried to choose stores that were accessible to everyone. The problem was I had all of the essential things people ask for in registries. I found myself just putting random items on my registry to try to discourage people into just giving up and getting gift cards.

Exhibit A -- My purple chandelier listed on one of my registries which no one has purchased:

     Some people got the hint. Other people didn't. I got a few phone calls, text messages, and emails where family and friends asked if my registry was complete at each store. Some even pointed out that I should just ask for a whole set of wine glasses instead of placing a single wine glass from each store on my registry. (Hey what do you expect I had to get creative. Who knew that Martha Stewart carried a line at Macy's and Target.)

     During those conversations I broke down and just said, "listen I appreciate that you guys want to get me what I want, but I don't really need any of it. I would prefer gift cards if that isn't too much to ask." After sharing this information I got a lot of, "well why did you just say that. Shoot that's easier for me because I just pick that up from the CVS!" 

      I live in a moderately sized Brooklyn, New York City apartment. Depending on what you expect from a NYC apartment my apartment is either moderately big or moderately small. Regardless of the geographic location there are only so many closets, so many cabinets, and so many drawers in any apartment. We just don't have the space to put things. My grandparents purchased several towel sets for me. I was excited and thankful. But with one tiny linen closet that also serves as storage for toiletries, hair products, and our tool box, I just don't have the space for my new towels.

     If I get a few gift cards from Macy's then I could purchase this beauty to put my towels in:

     Taking all of this into consideration I made the executive decision to request gift cards on my registry page. Here is the text that I included:
You may find registries at the following stores:
  • Bloomingdales
  • Macys
  • Target
  • Bed, Bath, and Beyond
  • J.C. Penney
  • Sears
Our home is filling up rather quickly with love and LOTS of other things. We are thankful to those who have purchased items, as well as to those who plan to purchase items. With your gifts and blessings we have the majority of the necessary essentials to begin married life!
We ask, in lieu of large presents we request gift cards. Thank you so much for your understanding and support. We look forward to seeing all of you on our big day November 8, 2014.

     Asking for any form of currency whether gift card, dollars, cents, pounds or euros is a very very very difficult thing. I googled this topic because I really wanted to be positive as to what the etiquette was. It turns out that either people get it or they don't. Either they find it tacky, shameful, low rent, and offensive or they find it perfectly acceptable. 

     From what I read one of the main why you shouldn't ask for gift cards (or money because a gift card is perceived to be like cash) is that you should be grateful for whatever your receive. 

     Another reason why, so I've read, you shouldn't ask for gift cards/money is because it is perceived that you are hard up for money. Then the question is raised, "why are you having a big lavish wedding if you cannot afford it?" Reading all of this made me want to just quit and give up. 

     I started to feel like whatever gifts/gift cards/ checks or money orders I get is what I get. 

     After stubbing my toe on my tool box in attempts to get a roll of toilet paper out of the linen closet I decided NAAAAAWWWW I'm not going out like this! That's when I said forget it I'm going to request gift cards. Call me low rent, call me tacky, call me shameful, call me whatever but if you're that ashamed or insulted then just don't come to the wedding. 

     In closing, I understand both sides of the argument. In taking on my role as an Anti-Bride the point is to create my own tradition and tailor my experiences to my expectations. I expect my wedding to fall in line with my vision. Entering year two of wedding planing I no longer expect people to get my vision, or accept my expectations. This is why people can decline with regret.


The Anti-Bride

Twitter: @theantibride2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Career Update: I'm Not Crazy Just Misunderstood

     Good Day!!!

     I have been wanting to do a career update for a REALLY REALLY long time. The reason why I haven't is because my career change has recently moved from being conceived to the development process. (Yes, I still have babies on the brain from the Baby Talk An Open Discussion post.) Things are looking very very positive and promising, BUT I think it's just too soon to give a complete update with full details.

      In the last post (I'm Still An Anti-Bride: My Stance......) I mentioned that I plan on pursuing a second B.A. or B.S. degree in speech language pathology. Since I did give you that much I do feel that I owe my loyal readers some type of an explanation. So here goes.....

     I have always, by always I mean for as long as I can remember, had a fascination with language. It is something that I never really spoke about. I wanted to study different languages, travel, and 'ya know' do stuff with all that information. When I was young I didn't really know what industry would afford me to do that. So I went along with life like most people do hoping that I would "figure it all out.

     In middle school I came across the career of speech language pathology and linguistics. I think it just dawned on me after seeing kids go to speech classes that "hey maybe I could do that." When I got to high school I felt like "okay I got this all figured out! I'm going to graduate from high school, go to college, major in speech, and become a speech therapist. That's my life!" Oh so I thought!!!!

     While in high school I really got into writing, theater, journalism, and just communications as a whole. As an adult looking back, my theory is that my interest in speech is what got me into communications. I enjoyed public speaking, but I didn't have an interest in being on the debate team.  There wasn't a speech therapist club or class in high school. But there was a drama class, a creative writing group, and media journalism program. I was able to release the "language" aspect that I held near and dear through written, oral/media communications. 

      Since I did well in journalism it made sense to major in mass media communications, and minor in speech pathology. Like a lot of recent high school graduates I graduated from high school, and I knew what I wanted to do. I just didn't really grasp how I wanted to do it. I knew I had to go to college, but I didn't really want to go to college. I think I was just really burnt out and hormonal!!!

      I struggled with finding my way, but I found it. The University that I attended did not have a speech program. They did have a mass media communications program. So I went hard with that. 

     I've always known what type of life I have wanted to have. If you read my Role Model of a Sexy Woman post then you know at 8 years old I knew the following:
  • Where I was going to live
  • Who I was going to marry
  • How old my future husband would be
  • Where both of us would be working
  • How many children (step-children) we would have
  • Where my future husband's ex wife would be living
I don't know what's crazier the fact that I had a very detailed blue print of what my life would be like as an 8 year old child.


I have used and followed that blue print very carefully as an adult. I mean it's crazy. 

     Nevertheless, knowing what kind of life I wanted to have I knew that if I saw any sign of distress in my career in journalism I needed to go to my back up career, speech language pathology. 

     It was right around the time of my bridal shower that I started to have an internal struggle with myself. My 8 year old self started to really nag at me and tell me "hey it's time to go with Plan B." It was really hard for me to make the decision to move on with my career. My professional journalism career started out with me just writing stories for my college classes in Columbia, SC. While doing that I was working part time as a waitress at a sports bar. Since I was a full time college student I worked the slow hours. Working the slow hours meant I would watch 20 big screen tv's all on various sports channels. That evolved into me learning a lot about sports, and taking interest in sports communications and journalism.

     From there I networked, and took advantage of ANY and EVERY possibility I could. Counting the freelance work that I did as a teenager you're talking 13 years of "grinding." From state to state, city to city. I lived and/or worked in: BOTH Carolina's (North and South Carolina), Georgia, Virginia, D.C., Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and of course New York.

     Pursuing a career in speech pathology isn't new for me. I knew all along that speech therapy was in the cards. It is new for EVERYONE else, except maybe my mom and sister. (Both mom and sister remember my dream of being a speech therapist.) I find myself convincing others in my life that this isn't a "save face" decision. I have thought long an hard, like 15 years long and hard, about this career choice. Just this time two years ago I was at Citi-Field interviewing for a coveted spot with the Mets. 

     Now I'm filling out applications to go back to school to be a SPEECH THERAPIST???  

     I get it! It really doesn't make a lot of sense. That is why I have been mum discussing my personal life with friends and family lately. 

     In closing, I have applied for my second B.A. or B.S. degree in speech language pathology. Depending on what college accepts me I will pursing a Bachelors Degree in Arts or in Sciences. I need to complete anywhere between 15-30 prerequisites credits in speech language pathology. Once those are completed then I can apply for graduate school. In the state of New York you cannot practice speech therapy without a graduate degree in speech pathology. You also need to be certified in EVERYTHING under the sun. It's going to take me roughly around 3 years before I can begin practicing.

      I try not to think about 3 years in the terms that a lot of others think of it. I feel that the time is going to pass regardless so why not? In my former industry it would take anywhere from 5-10 years to move from entry level to a SECURE mid/junior level position. There are so many forms of entry level that you can remain stagnate. You may have an executive title, but your skills and duties are that of a glorified intern. I know had a stayed in my industry in 5 years I would be just entering the mid/junior level. 

      Needless to say I'm happy with my decision. Scared yes, but happy. I will keep you posted on school acceptance as soon as I know something.


The Anti-Bride 

Twitter: @theantibride2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I'm Still An Anti-Bride: My Stance On The Photographer Part 1

     Hi readers!!!

     I decided to break "the fourth wall" and start talking to you guys --"the readers"-- personally. I feel if you're reading this post then you must share, or have some sort of interest, in my mindset, or the generic mindset of an Anti-Bride. 

     If you're interested in MY mindset I have to say there was a point where I thought this whole "Anti-Bride" thing was just a phase. This was very recent. I'm talking as recent as last week! 

     I started to feel like "Hmmmmm maybe I am a traditional bride after all." Well......... that theory came to a screeching halt. Why you ask????

     Three things:

  1. I am an Anti-Bride because: I am completely sold on the flower and brooch bouquet idea. I am starting to pick up brooches, earrings, and other jewelry items.
  2. I am an Anti-Bride because: I am also 95% sold on the idea of having fabulously-fake-flower and jewelry centerpieces on the guest tables. This really goes with my whole Prince - Diamonds and Pearls theme.

    In "layman's terms":
     I am an Anti-Bride because there will be NO, I repeat, NO fresh flowers at my wedding reception.
  3. I am an Anti-Bride because: I am soooooooooooo not sold on spending A LOT of my remaining budget on the photographer. For me the pictures aren't the most important aspect of the wedding. 
     I know I know, those 3 reasons are pretty big. I plan to dedicate a full post on reasons 1 & 2 later on. For this post I want to divulge my photographer stance. 


     This wedding is turning out to be WAAAYYY more expensive than I could have ever imagined. 

Disclaimer: I didn't have a budget when we began planning our wedding. When we originally started planning the wedding I was working, and had a decent salary. The budget wasn't a huge issue. I knew I didn't want to spend $20,000 for my wedding. I just wasn't sure how much it was going to take to make my vision come alive. 

Being really really forthcoming, I didn't have a complete vision. I just knew what I liked and what I didn't like. I needed a lot of guidance. NOW that we are almost a year into planning I have a much better understanding of what I want and what I'm willing to spend. 

     My life and direction has changed so much in the past 8 months. I've mentioned this repetitiously, that I am entering Plan B career wise. When we started planning this wedding my career plan was to stay at my former employer for 3 years. Those 3 years were going to buy me some time to figure out how and if I need to execute Plan B. Well..... we see what happened with Plan A.

     Losing my job and losing my steady income was very difficult. By the SAVING GRACE of the ALMIGHTY!! (HALO moment in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

     I received some much needed financial support. 

     When we began planning the wedding I knew that I would be receiving this support at some point during the process. This financial support wasn't intended to be used for the wedding. For all expense purposes we could have used that support to make the wedding happen on November 2nd of this year. Having experienced that job loss I couldn't see myself getting married on November 2, 2013 without knowing for sure what my career future was going to be. Seriously what were we going to do on November 3rd?

     I'm going all around the world with this.

     I'm going to bring it home. I promise you will understand what all of this has to do with my stance on the photographer.

     I decided back in August that I needed to get as organized as humanly possible, and try to work out a budget. 75% of our venue is paid. We hope to have 90% of the venue paid by December. When I renegotiated my contract with my wedding planner she stipulated that she be paid in full by November 1, 2013. Needless to say she will be paid up in a week or so. So that leaves the budget for EVERYTHING else. 

     I don't like to talk numbers because it's no one's business. So I won't talk numbers per say. What I will say is the budget for everything else, in my personal opinion, is pretty reasonable. Put it this way, I am looking to go back to school and pursue a 2nd B.A. or B.S. (depending on the program that accepts me) in speech language pathology. My tuition for full time (12 credits) at one of the CUNY (or City University of New York) colleges would be roughly around the MAX of what I'm willing to spend on the budget for everything else for the wedding. 

      Taking that into consideration I decided to make a priority list from most important to least important in our budget. For me the decor (decorations and lighting), and the entertainment (dj and mc) are the most important things. That leaves the photographer as the least important thing. 

     I am not, and have never been, photogenic. I don't really enjoy taking pictures, because I'm always disappointed by the outcome. Then I also have my "twin insecurity issues." (If you want to get caught up on my twin insecurity go to my Bridal Shower Recap post.) I understand the importance of the photographer. There are those special pictures that a Smart Phone cannot due justice. So I get that part. I plan to do my research to find the best quality and most affordable package.

     For my ideal situation I want to have the photographer snap the portrait style pictures. The important pictures like the entrance, the toasts, the daddy daughter dance, first husband and wife dance, cutting of the cake, and all of those sentimental things. Everything else I plan to just gather the those pictures from my guests. 

     While I'm not HUGE on social media, I decided that I wanted to have a HEAVY social media presence when it comes to my wedding. We have our wedding page on, and I plan to incorporate Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. When I brought this up to my wedding planner I felt as though she took it as a bit "low rent" of me to want to have a huge social media presence in replace of having a really good and expensive photographer. 

     From an industry perspective I respect my wedding planner's position. But I am an Anti-Bride or in wedding industry terms a "non-traditional bride." 

     In closing, this is just part 1 on my stance on the photographer. Oh there will be more parts to this as this is an ongoing issue. Going back to my first career and love which is sports journalism/communications/business my photographer situation reminds me of debate that I had with colleagues in the industry. 

     A few years back one of the NYC area sports teams had a 3D theater style room within the arena where fans could watch the LIVE game take place.

     This was supposed to be the new wave or evolution in sports. Watching games in 3D in the arena. It was supposed to be so retro and so in. 

     AND I thought it was the dumbest idea ever. When asked about it was I was very blunt I said this idea makes absolutely no sense. We live in 3D. So you're expecting fans to actually spend money to go to the arena to watch the game in 3D in a separate room. I can see if it aired on the jumbotron in the arena. That would be beautiful for fans who do not have the best seating. But to actually be in the arena and not experience the game live is just stupid. The whole point of going to a game in to experience the game not watch it on television.

     Well I liken that to my photographer situation. The whole point of spending a lot of time and money on a wedding reception is so that you can enjoy the reception. I don't want to spend all of my time at my reception taking and posing for pictures. Hey that's just what I think!


The Anti-Bride 2013
Twitter: @theantibride2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tales Of A Modern Day Housewife: Going Back To Work

     Yes the title is correct! I am heading back to work in a little less than two weeks. But you all knew that already!!??!!

    This is a temporary gig with start and end date. There is a minor possibility that the job can last longer than the end date. I am not going to hold my breathe on it. 

     I did get an official offer letter this time. If you follow this blog then you remember back in March I received a false alarm about a new position. I interviewed on a Friday and got a verbal offer with a promise of a written offer the following week. I waited for a full month for that written offer and never received it. Then I found out the company had over-projected their budget. So you know what that meant.

     "The Job that Never Was" incident was seven months ago. It has been eight months total since I worked. Even though my new job isn't a "big career move" it still is a pretty relevant move towards my change in career. For me it's a pretty big deal.

     I really am starting over. Which is very scary and humbling. So what does it feel like to be "A Modern Day Housewife-in-Training" heading back to work. Well... here are the bullets:

  • My "work clothes" are a little snug. So I have been, frantically, working out that situation.
  • I still have some home improvement projects that I never finished.
  • I'm excited that I won't be getting the side eye for "just staying at home!"
  • Not looking forward to the side eye for "choosing a job that has absolutely nothing to do with what I've done in the past!"
     In closing, I am trying to be more of a glass is half full type of person. Whenever I was asked if I see the glass as half empty or half full I always would respond "well it depends if you're thirsty." lol lol lol This new position is in fashion. So I am one step closer to being like my role model Sue Ellen!


The Anti-Bride
