Friday, February 21, 2014

Anti-Bride & Reception Woes: Making The Band LITERALLY

I have always been a day dreamer, and I have always had a crazy imagination. Even as an adult I still have Muppet Babies style fantasies.

     For those who are clueless to what a Muppet Baby is well.... The Muppet Babies was a cartoon television show that aired in the mid 1980's to early 1990's. It was based off of Jim Henson's Muppet characters as infants and toddlers in a nursery. 

      The Muppet Babies had a "Nanny," but she was never around. She was off somewhere washing her socks or whatever, but the point is they were often left alone to read children's stories (or look at the pictures). Their young imagination's took them to far away places where they would recreate the stories that they had read.

     And we are talking about Muppet's because...

     Well, as you all know I am in school again pursuing another interest. My commute is rather long on the subway. How long??? Oh anywhere between 90 minutes to 2 hours and 20 minutes depending on weather and traffic. On these commutes I read, I listen to music, but most often I just think or DREAM. I really let my mind wander.

     I dream about wearing a size 2 again. I fantasize about going on exotic vacations. I dream about business and job ventures. And of course I dream/fantasize about my wedding. Almost all of my dreams and/or fantasies are reoccurring. I elaborate and modify my thoughts and visions each time I revisit the dream in my mind. 

     One of the reoccurring daydream's that I have had over the past 8 months has been about my wedding entrance. I've told you guys that I'm not interested in walking down an isle. Instead I want to get married at my reception. 

     In my fantasy all of my guests are seated. They're sipping on wine, and nibbling on cheese. 

     And they are enjoying wine and cheese nibbling music.

     The M.C. begins to announce my family. My family enters the hall as a beautiful light show ensues. You see all of the crystals, and diamonds glimmer across the room from the centerpieces and decor. After my parents are introduced and seated "The Fiance" makes his grand entrance, or not so grand knowing him. "The Fiance" walks to the center of the room where there is a crystal table, candles, three wine glasses, and our officiant. 

     Our officiant better be a drinker because after we make this thing legit we're toasting to the good life!

     So as "The Fiance" gets half way through his walk to the center of the room. (If you're going through this in your mind then....yep the center of the room is the dance floor.) The music begins to change from the wine and cheese music to a soft interlude of Prince's - Diamonds and Pearls. When the M.C. asks for our guests to stand for my entrance the music gets a little louder as I walk to the center of the room to meet "The Fiance." 

     We say our quick -- I mean super quick, brief, straight to the point, make it do what it do -- vows. We kiss. Then as we toast I want the bass to drop from the instrumental of Prince's - Diamonds and Pearls to a full blown concert-esq version of Prince's - Diamonds and Pearls. At this point in my dream people are laughing, and taking pictures, and drinking, and it's one of the most happiest, and rewarding times in my life. 


     There's only one problem preventing this dream from becoming a reality... The band!!! 

     I'm sure this guy is UBER talented, but does he know Prince???

     In my mind I have concocted a super original, super cool, super ME wedding entrance. The only problem is finding a really really really good band. 

     When I think of a band I think of a group of talented musicians that can play any genre of music. And the vocalist is AMAZING, might I add. A few of the ideal bands to play at my wedding would be:

The Gap Band - I don't mind hearing "Outstanding" 100 times in a row while we eat.

Sly & The Family Stone - I mean it is a "Family Affair."

Shalamar - Not just the singers I want their band too, because our wedding is "A Night to Remember."

Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly - Do I really have to explain???!!?!!?? This is just an awesome band. They have been on tour my entire life, and their last album was like 30 years ago. 
What, you don't believe me???... Okay click on the link and watch for yourself.

      The likelihood of me getting Maze with Frankie Beverly to perform at my wedding, or any of these other bands are slim to none. Okay slim to none is even a reach. It's more NONE than slim. But that's the point of fantasizing and dreaming. Of course we want our dreams to come true. But what happens when they can't? What happens when you fantasize about the seemingly impossible? What do you do?

     Well if you're anything like me, a highly determined yet reasonable person, you weigh your options. Fortunately for me I do live in New York City, and there are tons of talented musicians around. I'm sure if I did some research I could find a talented band with a talented vocalist, to play the genre of music that I request. Yes, that means Prince.

     Another option would be no band at all but just an awesome DJ who works together with my M.C. to create a very explosive entrance with that Prince song.

     In closing, one of the things that I love the most about being an Anti-Bride is that there are no limitations. I can do whatever I want, because I am an Anti-Bride. I am Non-Traditional. I set my own boundaries. And I set my own rules. If I don't find the perfect band so what we can pop a Prince CD in and have my nephew turn the sound up and down as we walk in! BAM! Okay it won't be that bootleg, but you get the point! 

     Lucky for me I have a few more months to really revise the dream to make it come true.


The Anti-Bride 
Twitter: @theantibride2013


Monday, February 17, 2014

Anti-Bride On Comfort Eating - - No Bueno

     My last post was about the terrible...awful...horrible weather that we have been having lately. It's been cold, snowy, rainy, and icy. This is the type of weather that makes you want to stay inside and eat lots and lots of comfort food. 

     Sounds fun right!!! Eating comfort food through a rough February sounds like fun only if you don't have to fit a wedding dress in the fall.

      When the first snow storm hit I did what most people do when they're snowed in..... I ATE

     Then came the second snow storm. What do you think I did then? Yup, I ATE SOME MORE! Around last week I began to realize that this "snow storm" thing was becoming a bit of a weekly ritual, and I had to stop eating.

     I've struggled with my weight for the past 4 years. My weight has gone up and down like a slinky.

     Since I began writing this blog I have gained, and lost, and gained again anywhere between a rotating 10 to 15 pounds. I've dieted. I've exercised. I've boot camped. I've detoxed. It took a lot of trial and error, but I FINALLY figured out the formula and what works with my curvy body. 

     I can't help but feel a little nervous that my bad habit of "comfort eating" will come back to bite me in the butt. Literally bite me in the butt. 

     So I decided that I needed some motivation. Something to remind me of that dress that I need to get into in the next few months. What better reminder of the dress than the dress. 

     Yes, that's right I decided to make a picture of my wedding dress as my wallpaper for my cell phone and my laptop. If I really start to fall of the wagon I'm going to make my dress the photo for all of my contacts in my cell phone. 

     In closing, here's a reminder picture of my dress in case you guys forgot:

     The picture doesn't do it much justice but hey you get the point!


The Anti-Bride
Twitter: @theantibride2013

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snow + Bridal Pictures = Beautifulness!!!

     I do not know where you are in the world, but in these parts it has been a trying week. Within the past 7 days we have had a snow storm, an ice storm, and we will be getting a "light" snow shower (approximately 1-3 inches) sometime today. I can honestly say, with a full sound mind, I AM TIRED OF WINTER. 

     I need to run to the store to pick up a side salad to go with dinner tonight. As the day passes on I'm losing more and more faith that will happen. Call me lazy. Call me unmotivated. Shoot, at this point I don't care. I just do not have the energy to brave the elements. 

     One thing is for certain I will be retiring ALL of my winter gear after this season. I need 2 new winter coats. Yes 2! A puffer, and a wool coat. I need new winter boots. I think I may have 3 or 4 more storms left on my boots before they literally fall a part. I need new gloves, hats, scarves, ear muffs etc. Just new everything!!

     The ice storm that occurred last Wednesday was an absolute MESS! BUT it sure made for some pretty pictures. Monday's snow storm blanketed the area with several inches of snow, and the ice storm on Wednesday coated the snow with a few more inches of Below are a few pictures I took when I was walking on campus, and on my way home:

     As I made my way around NYC in the ice storm, I saw normal sites transform into magical Winter Wonderlands. I thought to myself, this would make for some beautiful wedding pictures. Guess what?? It does! Here are some pictures, courtesy of Google Images of snowy bridal shots:

     All of the pictures are gorgeous. The first picture is my favorite, because they seem to be in a metropolis. The other pictures are gorgeous as well, but they do give me a vibe that a wolf, or bear may come out and either:

A.) Photo Bomb the Picture


B.) Kill everyone, like in the Red Riding Hood movie with Amanda Seyfried. (I loves that movie.)

     In closing, I'm not a big "photo shoot" "picture taking" type girl. While I'm warming up to the idea of having a pre-bridal photo shoot, I doubt seriously I will do a Winter Wonderland shoot. I'm completely open to it, but I don't plan to make it happen. If someone else puts it together and pays for it, of course I would do it. What are your thoughts on the Winter Wonderland picture idea?


The Anti-Bride

Twitter: @theantibride2013

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Anti-Bride Goes To College: Let Me Have My Moment Please

     I know what you're thinking.... Welcome to 2014! It's good that you decided to join us! 

     At least that's what I think you're thinking. Hell, that's what I would think if I were you. 

     It's February 2nd and this is my official post of the new year.  

     I didn't intend to take a 3 month-ish hiatus. It just sort of happened. Believe me there were so many things that I wanted to blog about!!!!!! AND I'm glad that I didn't. I just wasn't in a good blogging place. 

     I am the Anti-Bride and I use the word "ANTI" more for shock value. I know that anti is the prefix usually used in an opposing sense. However, I don't want to come off too negative. I have been experiencing some personal/professional/emotional growing pains. While blogging is therapy for me I don't want my blog to become The Burn Book!

     So what's been going on????

     Well for starters I ordered my Save the Dates!!! They are beautiful magnets! I ordered them from They came in a beautiful box, and they were reasonably priced. Here are some pics:

***My damask print bed spread tho!!!! "The Fiance" purchased that before we became an item. Wait come to think of it I hoped he purchased it and not some other girl..... Oh geez.... Well I fell in love with that bed spread and damask print is the unofficial theme of our wedding. ***

     I hope to do a full blog post/review on my Save the Dates at another time. This post is dedicated to my first week back to school!!! YAY!!!

     Tomorrow starts week 2 of my "Back To School Journey!" If you remember in the Career Update: I'm Not Crazy Just Misunderstood post back in October I stated that I was going back to school to pursue a career in Speech Language Pathology. If you don't remember here's a quick recap: 
  • I got accepted into a program. 
  • I received a NY state grant. 
  • I was able to receive federal loans via financial aid to pay for the rest as long as I pursue a 4 year degree. 

     It sounds scary when you say a second bachelor's degree. Having majored in mass media communications for my first bachelor's, I'm only 36 credits shy of receiving my degree in speech. I only have to take my pre-requisite classes and then I start graduate school.

     Last week I was on an incredible high. Shoot I'm still on a high. As narcissistic as it may sound I am sooooo proud of myself for making this career change for a PLETHORA of reasons. Despite my excitement it's been a draining week, but draining in a good way. 

     Since I'm unemployed I am soo blessed to have the opportunity to take classes during the day with the regular undergraduate students. I have many many many different emotions ranging from 

     DAYUM I'm the oldest chick up in here 
     O.M.G. did I sound like that when I was 20... YUP, I did!

     If I can describe how I feel in one word it would be HUMBLE. In a way I feel like my life is coming around full circle. It's just so enlightening........ at least I think it is.

     Like ALL human beings I am a work in progress. I have been working very hard on myself, because I want to get "it" right. What's "it?" Life, Love, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happyness.... Yeah All That Stuff!

     As a true scorpio when I want to protect something or someone that I love I GO HARD!!! I have shared some of my experiences of what it took for me to change my career. With time I will explain more. But I didn't just wake up one day and decide "hmmm I think I want to be a speech therapist! Let's get it!

     Naw!!! It was a long process. 

     Now that it is happening I find myself shutting a lot of people out. Having worked in entertainment I know that no act is successful without a "team." My "team" includes:
  1. "The Fiance"
  2. "The Twin Sister"
  3. "The Mother" well my mother but everyone else had "The" in front of them so hey....
     I have unintentionally shut everyone else out. I don't mean to be shady, a b*tch, or just a mean girl...

     I just can't be in other people's moment. I have to, have to, have to, have to (+ 7 more have to's) be in my own moment. 

     In closing, I have come to the realization that it is my moment it is my time. I'm getting married in a few months. I'm pursing a degree in a rewarding career. I mean if it was anybody else I would be like "wow it must be good to be her." Why can't I feel that way about myself??? 

     Does this make me a Bridezilla???? I dunno!!?!!


The Anti-Bride
Twitter: @antibride2013