Friday, May 17, 2013


     I have to admit that I may be the ultimate prude. I wear that hat proudly. I will also admit that I am doing a lot of this wedding stuff to please other people. But at some point I do need to put my foot down.

     For the past 2 weeks I have been trying to sort things out with my professional career and being unemployed. Things are going in the right direction, but nothing has changed regarding my employment situation. I have had several interviews and hopefully we will get some GREAT NEWS in the upcoming weeks. For now all I can do is stay focused.

     With that being said, I have suspended all things related to my wedding for now. I have not spoken to my wedding planner in several weeks. Lastly, I have been letting my mom handle the bridal shower. My primary focus is getting a job to pay for it all.

     I wanted to have a bridal shower early because it works better with my mother's schedule to have it in the early summer. Most of the people attending this event are going to be family members from both sides, my mom's friends, and a few of my friends are invited. This is really my mom's thing. I thought maybe the guests would get a few things off the registry, we would play games, share stories, eat, and have a few cocktails. In my mind it would be like this: 

     My "hubby to be" has been on a "staycation" for the past week. (We were supposed to go to Jamaica, but obviously that did not happen. I'm not bitter!) So he's been home. I have been busy trying to entertain him as well as keep up my flow of scheduling job interviews for myself. In the middle of typing an email I get this phone call out of the blue from a number I did not recognize. I answer it hoping that it was an employer scheduling an interview. I was wrong. It was one of my God-Aunts calling me from her job.

     {Yes I have a few God-Aunts. I define a God-Aunt as one of your biological Aunt's best friends. They are those people who have been in your life your entire life, but they don't have a title. They are pushy and nosy just like an Aunt, and you cannot tell them where to go and how to get there because they will punish you like an Aunt.}

      So my God-Aunt calls to gossip, and she caught me off guard when she asked me what size I wear. This God-Aunt is very obsessive about body image. It's really annoying, and given my struggles to slim down, my guard was up. But she segued into "well I want to know so I can know what kind of lingerie to get you for your bridal shower."
There was a pause, and the thoughts going through my mind was: Lingerie??? What????

     I replied back "umm I have to go someone is calling on the other line." 

     LIES LIES LIES........

     I was completely caught of guard with the idea that people would be bringing lingerie to this bridal shower.
     I called my mom to tell her about the conversation I had with my God-Aunt and the lingerie reference. I let my mom know that I thought the bridal shower was one thing and a lingerie party was something else. My mom informed me that guests do bring lingerie to the bridal shower. UMMM NOT AT MY BRIDAL SHOWER. I completely shut that all the way down! I refuse to have a conversation about sex, lingerie, what I do and don't do in the bedroom in front of my mother or my mother's friends.

     I'm such a prude in front of my mom. There are certain things I do not feel comfortable discussing. I admire other girl's open dialogue with their parents about sex and whatever else, but that's just not me. I have to draw the line somewhere. ANDDDD... I do not feel comfortable with people purchasing lingerie for me.

    I am open to having a lingerie party with just the girls. NO MOMS or AUNTS or GOD-AUNTS or GOD-MOMS allowed. I feel in some ways people are trying to push what they want on me, and this is where the whole Anti-Bride thing comes to play. I know this "wedding" means a whole lot more to other people than it means to me. I will give my mom the opportunity to throw a bridal shower. HOWEVER I will not be made to feel uncomfortable in the process.

     The past few years have been tough on my relationship with my mother, and pretty much the rest of my family. Though we are still close, there are a lot of things about me that they do not really know. I have changed A LOT. I have grown up, and have had my own experiences. I'm not the same girl anymore. I have different religion, a different outlook on life, and a different set of life goals. I know it's a little scary for a parent to feel like they don't know their child.

     I talk to my mother everyday. Sometimes I talk to her 3 or 4 times in one day. But even with all of our casual conversations about the news, weather, and my crazy job interviews; my mom still doesn't know me for the woman that I am. I will admit that I am doing some these "traditional" wedding things more for her. I want her to have that dream of her daughter's wedding, even if it's not exactly the same dream I had for myself anymore.

     While I am willing to give this gift of a "wedding" to my mother. I still want to experience the "experience," for lack of a better word, for myself. I still want My Love to experience whatever "experience" he may want as well. It still is about us! Since it is about us I do not want to change who I am to give her this.

     With that being said LINGERIE is OUT! We will not have lingerie at this event. It makes me feel uncomfortable and that's that. I just think that it's extra creepy for women to buy me night outfits to wear to be with my husband. If there was a spin on it like they mailed me gift cards, and I purchased the lingerie and showed them what I purchased at the bridal shower; I would be open to that. If we did it that way I could control what my mom sees and we can keep it PG.

     In closing words, we shall see how this all will play out. But I am going to stand my ground on the lingerie thing.


The Anti-Bride 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Deja Vu: Workout Update

            I’m going to try my best to keep this short, sweet, and to the point. It is going on three months since I was let go from my former employer. It is also day 3 of my fitness and lifestyle change. So where are we with everything? Let’s start with the fitness:

           If you follow me on twitter (@theantibride2013) you will know that I had a little bit of a relapse today. I over indulged at lunch. I had an extremely large burger, a chilly dog, fries, wine, and a diet coke. I have not had beef in almost a month. It was awesome, but I will not be surprised if I have an upset belly tomorrow.
           Prior to my relapse I had been doing really well and eating very healthy. I stopped eating after 6pm. This morning when I woke up I was so hungry I could have eaten my pillow for breakfast. Instead I had a cup of oatmeal (yes a cup I measured it), a small orange, and 5 apple slices.

This afternoon I kind of had the whole “you only live once” type of attitude. I don’t think I was rewarding myself for eating healthy, nor do I think I was emotionally eating. For the first time in a long time I ate something because I wanted to, and I didn’t feel guilty about it.  

I do plan to do an extensive workout. I skipped dinner today. I don’t know how healthy it is to skip a meal, but I just don’t feel hungry. We shall see how I feel after my workout.

In closing I will stick to my routine and I really can’t wait until I see results!


The Anti-Bride 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Can She Do It?? Lose 8-10 Pounds In Two Months For Bridal Shower……

          So my Bridal Shower is in less than two months. On Saturday, June 29th, 2013 I will be having my bridal shower at a restaurant on the upper east side of Manhattan. YAY ME!!

            In all honesty I am totally freaked out like nobody’s business.

     Let’s list the reasons why I’m freaked out:
1.    I am 40 pounds overweight.
2.    My face has a mind of its own, and has moments where 
       my break outs are reminiscent of a 14 year old boy.
3.    I have no job, and slowly running out of money.

Wow those are great conversation starters. Ehhmm can someone please pass the rolls and butter??
Not only am freaking out, but I am feeling a little depressed and desperate. SIIIGGGHHH that was hard to admit. I want to wake up Monday morning and all of my problems are resolved. Does life happen like that? Not that I know of. At least not for me.
I recently invited one of my best friends from childhood to my bridal shower. We are not as close as we used to be, but despite our present relationship I really love this girl. I want her to be a part of this bridal shower/marriage/wedding process. The hang-up is that she is a fitness guru!


I have already admitted to being depressed and desperate. Please spare me my dignity, and let me keep the fact that I “may be” insecure in my back pocket. So my “insecurity” (for lack of a better term) issues do not stem from my friend and her fitness lifestyle. I’m actually really proud of her. I watched her evolution on Facebook. I applaud her for being able to really get into that industry and keep it feminine and sexy! My “insecurity” issues are that I want to FIX all of my problems in two months. I really do not have too much control over all of them. For instance I can do everything possible to get a job in two months, but the final say so is in the hands of the JOB GODS.
If you read my April Showers Bring May Flowers post, then you will know that I started new regimens. My new hair regimen took very well. My hair looks great, and split ends are no more. My hair shines and glows like nobody’s business! On the other hand,  my skin varies from time to time. I recently had to switch my skin regimen. We shall see what the outcome will be. Lastly, is my new weight loss regiment. The weight loss is not happening like I would like and it is getting all tied up in knots.

I am 5’3” tall. Fresh out of the shower I weigh approximately 175 pounds. 5’3” and 175 is unacceptable for ANYONE. BUT…………………I have come to the realization that all of my weight isn’t BAD weight. While I do not try to sugar coat the fact that I am over weight, I do know that I am extremely curvy. By extremely curvy I mean, I am holding up approximately 10 pounds on my chest, and sitting on approximately 25 pounds on my behind. I know what you are thinking “that’s 35 extra pounds.” YES, you are right that is 35 EXTRA pounds. But, the finance and marketing student in mean says those 35 EXTRA pounds go for top dollar at your local plastic surgeons office.
            I want to lose weight and keep my womanly figure. My "Hubby-To-Be" really appreciates and enjoys the more “mature” parts of my body. Back in the early 2000’s I embraced being 5’3”, and wearing a size 3. Fast forward to 2013. I enjoy my 34D boobs a whole lot more to go back to being a size 3. I barely fit into a 34B cup back then.

           Out of the three things on my list, the weight loss is the one thing that I feel I have the most control over. I struggled with terrible skin my entire life. While getting healthy will help. I think there are two types of people in this world. People with great skin and people with terrible skin. I can try to maintain my skin regimen for what it’s worth, but I do not know what my skin is going to do from day to day. I try not to think about my skin very much.
            My plan for the next two months is to focus on securing a job and losing weight. Losing weight may even help me land a job.
            (My WEIGHT and the JOB search process are an entire different blog post in itself. I plan to share my thoughts on that later on in the year.)
            Starting this Sunday I will be doing lots of cardio!
           I’m talking burning 1000 – 3000 calories a week cardio. I have never been 175 pounds so I do not know how hard it is going to be to lose 10 pounds in 2 months. But I think that it is going to be extremely possible. 5 pounds per month is like 1 ½ pound per week. I should lose that alone by not eating after 5pm, and taking the stairs instead of using the elevator.
            I’m going to start week one on Sunday. I will give updates on twitter (@theantibride2013), and I will do a full update post next month!
            Closing words, on June 29th I hope to be 165 pounds! Take that!!
The Anti-Bride 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Things I Never Thought I Would Do Until......

     We have all heard that "love is blind." "Love will make you do some crazy things." And it's all true. I find myself doing more and more compromising on things that I never thought were negotiable.

     My Love and I have been living together for a few years now. I had the opportunity to live on my own for 3 years while in college. I developed my own little habits and ways of doing things. There was a period in my life when I bounced around from place to place. When I was moving around I had to throw those "high maintenance" tendencies out of the window. I adapted to my surroundings. 

     Living with someone versus staying with someone are two different things. When you stay with a person you must follow their rules. When you live with someone you must compromise. As a "girl's girl" there are somethings I never thought would be a compromise. Ohhhhh but once again I have been mistaken. Here are the things that I never thought I would do until......... I fell in love and decided we were going to get married.

     1.) ONE PLY TOILET PAPER!!! sighhhh
      I never considered myself to be a super "brand" girl. But I love Charmin Toilet Paper!! That bear and his bear family are like an extension of my own family.
     I fought a hard fight to keep Charmin Toilet Paper alive and well in this house. Unfortunately you can't win them all. So now we use

     I will say that it is cost effective. BUT whenever my family comes to visit. Particulary my parents I purchase Charmin. Yes I am afraid of being judged.

     2.) Toothpaste Vs. Gel

     Keeping with the fashion of the Bathroom. I never thought I would compromise with toothpaste but I have. DOUBLE SIGH. I am a paste girl, and prefer paste verses gel.

     For me the brand isn't as important as the texture. My mouth feels so much cleaner while using paste. The compromise of toothpaste versus gel is ongoing. My Guy doesn't really seem to care as much as I do, but I know his preference is gel.

     A year and half ago I purchased paste and gel. I let him know the gel was for him and the paste was for me.
The Toothpaste Treaty of 2011 lasted for about 3 weeks. There was a break in the Treaty when My Guy "forgot" that the gel was his, and there was some "accident" involving the paste. The toothpaste ended up in the trash without the top on, and I would get cooties if I used it. Yeah I don't know. I still buy toothpaste for myself from time to time. But we are primarily a gel household.

     3.) Laundry Drop Off

     I never liked the idea of someone else doing my laundry. But I hate doing laundry. My Guy, being a bachelor for several years before meeting me, swears by drop off service. The first few times that I dropped of my laundry I felt like I wasn't a complete woman. I'm so serious. Laundry, though tedious, is something that you can do for yourself. It's a part of house work. If you can't wash your own undergarments what does that say about you?

     After I got past the part of "can't wash clothes" opposed to "not feeling like washing clothes and hating the process," I was open to it. Now I drop those clothes off first thing in the morning and pick them up after 6pm. It's a beautiful thing!

      4.) BJ's Wholesale Membership

     At first I was thinking what the hell am I going to do with all of that food. It's only really two of us. We don't need that much pasta and mayo.

     As crazy as it sounds, purchasing food in bulk is really helping us stay on track with our diet. Instead of chips we have more oranges, bananas, apples, grapes, and whatever else our little hearts desire. I make mini fruit salads at night, and pack them up. They're quick for the grab and go process.

     5.) My Cat
     I never was a cat person. I was always afraid of cats, and more of a dog person because their personalities are more manageable. There is a lot of construction taking place near our building. Any New Yorker knows when they start digging the rodents come from underground. We thought it may be best to get a cat.

     Neither of us are "cat" people. My Guy sent me to the animal shelter to "go pick out a cat." We were both a little naive about the animal adoption process. It's not like going to BJ's and picking up 2 pounds of kale. Of course I picked out the tiniest kitten I saw. She was so little and so shy I thought the cage was empty. Her name is Ziggy

     Not to me confused with the Ziggy from the Iams Commercial. That cat freaks me out.

     I never thought I would have a cat let alone like my cat. But I do. I don't consider myself to be a cat person because all cats are not created equal. But I understand cats and their mannerisms much better. Ziggy is pretty much a character in herself. She's older now, and she's clumsy, scary, and too predictable. We keep a collar with a bell or her just because we're afraid she may fall out the window or something. We need to know where she is at all times.

      Toilet paper, toothpaste, laundry drop off service, BJ's Wholesale membership, and adopting a cat those are the top 5 things I never thought I would compromise with.

     In closing, Meatloaf was definitely on to something when he sang "I will do anything for love, but I won't do that." I compromised with some things. Other things like putting ketchup in the fridge, I definitely won't do.


The Anti-Bride 2013


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Personal Tale Of My Career Struggles

     Today was a disappointing day. I had a few "meetings" today, and the outcome was not what I expected.


     Just kidding there is a little more to the story than that. If you have been reading this blog since the original post than you know that I am currently unemployed. I was fired from my job this past February. The end of February if that helps. I have been unemployed for 2 months. I have had SEVERAL interviews for positions that I ACTUALLY would want to fill. These interviews were for companies and organizations that I would be PROUD to work for. For one reason or another things "fell through." Today was not the exception. But there is a glimmer of hope. I think!!???!

     Let's start somewhere near the beginning, or somewhere that will make sense.

     My career goal was to become a television producer. The BIG BIG dream was to be a sports producer for ESPN's SportsCenter. I was on the right path, and even interviewed with an ESPN Executive a few weeks before graduating from college. My resume was to be forwarded to HR (human resource department), and I was told by the Executive that I had a slot in the production assistant program. I was on Cloud 9.

     When I graduated I emailed the Executive (several times), but did not receive an immediate response. I was holding out for this position, and I had turned down a few other positions to accept this offer. This was May 2008 and at that time the World was in the middle of a Financial Crisis unbeknown to..... Unbeknown to well EVERYONE. To make a REALLY LONG DEPRESSING story short (I'm italicizing to indicate a summary of what took place over several months): the Executive never emailed me back. She was in contact with my mentor, the person who set up the initial interview. Although, the Executive was not in the position to make hiring decisions, most companies (Pre-Financial Crisis) accepted new hire recommendations from internal employees. What made this situation different was ESPN and every other network was experiencing a massive hiring freeze.

     They call it a hiring freeze for a reason, because it's cold, dark, and scary...

     Losing out on that opportunity affected me in so many ways. More ways than I care to share, but I struggled for years. This hiring freeze lasted for months, and I think you can pretty much figure out what happened next. I attended a small college in the Midwest, and relocated back to the Southeast. Relocating was tough because few people had heard of my University. Moving back in with my parents was hard but having to compete with so many other graduates for very limited positions was harder. My first job out of college was working as an Assistant Manager at a Claire's Inc. in a mall in Columbia, SC. Grateful to have a job, I still felt like crap. I experienced the highest of highs, and I needed to feel like that again.

     I did not want to give up my dream, so I gave up my job instead. I moved up and down the Atlantic Coast from South to North for about 3 1/2 years.

      I stayed with family and friends. Always wearing out my welcome and leaving people to doubt my ideas, and goals. I lost credibility fast. I graduated from college Cum Laude. I had countless internships, recommendations, and accolades. All of that meant nothing, because I was unemployed.

     Fast forward a bit. I found myself living/over staying my welcome at my brother's house in southern New Jersey. I made my first attempt at graduate school at Drexel University, in Philadelphia. That wasn't working out so great, but I did score an internship through Madison Square Garden at Radio City Music Hall. This was a life changing opportunity. But not in the way you may think. 

     I commuted from southern New Jersey to Manhattan everyday. I often slept on the bus to and from work. I took out additional student loans to pay for my life. But I was still broke. Nights when I missed the bus back to New Jersey, or couldn't afford to go back to New Jersey, I crashed with friends and family members in "The City." That year I was somewhat homeless by choice. I did not want to live in the South with my parents. I wanted to live and work in NYC. New York has always been my home. I felt like living in New York I would have a better chance and eventually be able to get back into television production -OR- something media -OR- journalism -OR- entertainment related.

     One Saturday I was supposed to meet my cousin in Manhattan after she got of work. She completely flaked out on me. I wasn't too surprised.

     I did meet a gentleman that day, and we talked for hours. We talked about the most random things. I hoped he would take my number, and my prayers were answered when he did. He called a few minutes later to see if I ever met up with my cousin. We all know the answer to that.....NO! (I'm still looking for her 3 years later.) This guy called and texted every single day after our first meeting. 

     I knew this was the man that I was going to marry after I got a phone call from him one rainy evening. There was a weird 1(800) type number that appeared on my phone screen when he called. He told me he dropped his phone in water, and he was calling me from a pay phone in the subway station. That story was confirmed by the loud train entering the station, and the abrupt call drop when the money ran out. He was calling to tell me Good Night. I think I officially fell in love.

     Even thinking back I say to myself....A PAYPHONE!!! Really....A PAYPHONE!!! This guy risked:

Dangerous Bacteria

     He risked all of this for me. I was touched. That was over three years ago.

     Along the way I have had many many many great opportunities that didn't completely work the way that I thought like:

There was the MSG/Radio City Music Hall Internship.

     I hoped that internship would evolve into a job. UMMMM - NOPE didn't happen. I was able to switch graduate programs from Drexel University in Philadelphia to NYU.

     I thought attending NYU would make things all better. NYU is a HUGE institution. I knew there would be so many resources available to me. NYU is also an EXPENSIVE and DEMANDING university. My acceptance to NYU did not make the fact that I was somewhat "homeless" and "broke" go away. Winging it while interning at Radio City and taking courses online was okay the semester prior. But when I got into NYU the pressure got the best of me. I had to come out midway through the semester.

     I felt like a complete failure. I had this amazing opportunity right in front of my face, and I let it slip past. This time I did it to myself. I couldn't understand why I couldn't just keep pushing. Why did I breakdown? I had to make it better. Instead of resting myself so I could be ready for the next semester. I pushed myself harder so that I could come back strong.

     I knew that I needed a job. I also needed a permanent place to live. I was going to take the "time out" to secure those things. Easy right? I was able to work out the permanent living situation. Now it was time to find a job.

     I stood in line for hours at an employment event. I interviewed with recruiter. After several months of waiting and wondering I scored an entry level sales position with a major New York City sports franchise. I was later told that I was one of 2 people out of 1000 that was hired. I felt so grateful.

     I was back on track... Right??!! WRONG!!! There was this little thing going on at the time called a


     Obviously I wasn't working for the MLB, because I would have been straight!! Entry level sales with any sporting franchise is an amazing opportunity to get your foot in the door. The flip side of it is that it's basically the equivalent to the movie Boiler Room. (Of course without the insider trading, gambling, and other obscureness.)

     In sales, especially entry level sales, you must earn your keep. It's a tough job and you hear more No's than you hear Yes. During a lockout season when fans are pissed you may never hear Yes. As a sales person your job is to push through and show the "higher ups" in the company that against all odds you can still persevere and make the company money. 

     While I scored a position with a professional team I was not making any money. Like most sales positions I worked off commission. When you're not selling you're not making commission, it's that simple. I loved the fact that I was an executive with a professional franchise. I drove my car into work every day. I wore my "professional" getup, and packed my lunch. But I was living a lie. I was so broke. My boyfriend was helping pay for transportation, and I had to get a second job at Bloomingdale's just to make ends meet.

     The next semester was coming soon and I had to make a decision about school. I wanted to go back to school, and I wanted to keep my job. The truth was that I couldn't handle either. But I wanted to continue to live the lie. It felt good to have my mom and dad brag for a change. Their daughter was working for (___SAID___) sports organization and a Grad Student at NYU. 

     I slowly started to unravel again. Even though I busted my *ss at work, it wasn't enough. In fact I seemed to make more mistakes and missteps. I was a risk taker like most salespeople are. My risks, however, always came back to bite me in the butt. Even when I was extra careful. People always assumed they were doing me a favor but instead they were helping me dig my own grave. The funny thing about my risk-taking-ness, my boss seemed to like that about me. But it was too much for me. Not to mention the compensation did not make the risks worthwhile.

    When the lockout was lifted I thought my prayers would be answered. Instead it meant MORE WORK. I was going to have to dedicate more time and energy to the organization. This entry level position was temporary, and permanent status was based on performance (i.e. how much money we made during the season). Deep down inside I knew it was not worth it. Yes I wanted to work for a sports franchise, and be an executive, and wear professional getups, and pack my own lunch. BUT I also like having a roof over my head, and buying the food to put in my lunch box. Bills were piling up. And it dawned on me that I had two jobs and was barely making it. Okay let's not try to be cute. I WASN'T MAKING IT.

     After an unsuccessful talk with my boss I resigned. It was a tough moment, and I was the first person in my sales team to quit. But I was too broke to stay working there.

     The following month I started back at NYU and completed the semester. It felt good to complete a semester, but how I completed was another story. I passed two courses with flying colors, and failed two courses miserably. My heart wasn't completely in it. The situation with the sports organization haunted me the entire semester. I felt beat down, from all of my professional disappointments.

     I know that there are people reading this that probably understand and sympathize with what I experienced. And there are people who are feeling like I do a lot of this:


     Yes it does sound like I'm throwing a pity party, and I make lots of excuses. The truth is while I was experiencing those things it sucked. I would never lie about that. But I think the reason why I have always been so hard on myself is because I cannot believe my luck. I do not mean that in a condescending unappreciative way either.

    When I say my luck, I mean not many young professionals in the span of less than 5 years cross paths with: ESPN, Madison Square Garden & Radio City Music Hall, Drexel University, New York University, the Nameless Sports Franchise, and a few other ventures that I have yet [and probably won't] to mention. I have had more than my share of disappointments but look who's disappointing me. It was so hard for me to quit working for that sports franchise after I stood in line with all of those people and I made it. I made it and quit while 999 other people didn't even have the opportunity to try. All of the people all over the world that would love to attend a university like NYU. I was blessed enough to get in and I can't even keep it together enough to pass my courses. 


     Pity Party - NOOO!!!


     I carry a lot of guilt. I'm learning to let it go. But for years I carried guilt. Guilt because I did it and other people near and dear to me didn't or couldn't. I felt like I was taking advantage of so many opportunities. Whenever an opportunity presented itself I felt obligated to take it, and to be the best at it. I hate to pull the "feminism" card, but I kind of have to in order to make my point.... My point which is...... Sometimes when you are one of the first few to do something, you feel like you have to be the pioneer. As a society we charge people with that. 

     Can I let you in on a little secret??

     I am no pioneer. I do not want to be a game changer. I obviously can't handle it. 

     Let's fast forward to today and what made today of all days the day to revisit Ghosts of Careers past....

     After failing my courses I decided to check out for a second. I wanted to focus on the constants in my life. My relationship is one constant in my life. I felt that I should get a job doing something that I already know how to do, and focus on my relationship.

     That's what I did for several months. I got a job completely separate from my industry. My relationship got stronger and is great. But I found myself getting fired from my job this time around. The job that I chose for myself wasn't the right fit. As much as I think that I'm just a regular girl; I'm forced to admit that you can't walk out of the halls of a nationally competitive university, and out of the board room of a NYC sports franchise and into a "regular" 9-5 without making people feel just a touch insecure.  

      Nonetheless, once again I did not succeed at something professional. So I thought long and hard. I thought maybe I should consider going back to my media/sports/entertainment/journalism roots. It couldn't hurt.

     I was able to dig up a contact, and was able to score a few "meetings" today. Apprehensive, of course, I was excited about the meetings. This was with a major media company, and I wanted to make a big impression. After revising my resume a dozen or so times, buying a new outfit, and giving myself "the pep talk" I left this morning feeling confident.

     I arrived at the company 15 minutes early. I spent nearly an hour in the lobby of the building, because of some crazy mix up. I got upstairs only to hear a bunch of excuses and halfhearted apologies as to what could have possibly caused the confusion. What I noticed was that no one took any form of credit for the mix up. Not even the "I'm going to just say this anyways even though I don't believe it" credit. The "big boss" naturally was in a meeting and couldn't meet with me right away so he passed me off to someone else. This other person had no idea I was even coming. Nevertheless she accommodated me well.

     When I finally met with the "big boss" he did not seem the least bit interested in me. I found myself doing what we all do in interviews... I began selling myself. I gave my best sales pitch, but the boss was a stern gentlemen. The boss seemed unmoved. His feedback was clear, and I didn't get the answer that I was looking for. I was so disappointed.

     This disappointment was different from the disappointment that I felt the previous years. Maybe because I am a little older, a little wiser, and a little prouder. I was disappointed that he wasted my time. I did not feel guilty for every Unemployed American during this interview. I actually felt sorry for this guy. I felt sorry that he could not recognize that I would be a tremendous asset to his team. He looked at my resume and looked at me like I was just some eager beaver hungry for my next break. This time around FINALLY I wasn't desperate. I actually looked into and researched a position that I thought would be a great fit, and that's why I was there. He gave me his advice on what I should do, which I felt like saying to him "gee if I had a nickel for every time I heard that." But of course I did not say it.

     I'm still a little shell shocked and not able to put my feelings into words. But when I left that building I went to my favorite place in the entire world. Central Park!

     I walked through Central Park from West to East. My allergies kicking my butt, because spring has finally arrived. I realized that I was going to be okay. The woman who I was tossed to because the "big boss" was too busy to meet with me was one of the "big bosses" in the human resources department for that company. While the stern male boss was not feeling me the HR Director informed me that their company has several "big bosses." The HR Director wanted me to screen with a few bosses so see where I would fit. Despite my meeting with the HR Director taking place before my meeting with the uptight boss, I was still caught off guard by my mistreatment. It does feel good to know that there is a possibility that I may have a position with the company I spent all morning with.

     Walking through the park and clearing my mind put other things into perspective for me. I love my life. I love my future husband. I want to someday have children. I want to be able to have a decent life filled with experiences and travel. I want to be able to work through my problems. I want to be able to be happy with the person that I am.

     Being perfectly honest, my twenties were crap! I'm in the fourth quarter of my twenties, and I cannot wait for it to be over. Walking through the park I realized that I'm going to be somebody's wife soon. We are going to have our own children to feed to the pigeons in Central Park. [Yes I said feed my children to the pigeons. You have to see the tourist give their kids bread to feed the pigeons in Central Park. They have NO idea that the pigeons in Central Park are ruthless and will basically attack small children in efforts to get the bread. It basically looks like the people are feeding their children to the pigeons instead of the children feeding the pigeons.] 

      The whole coming into my own, trying to please the world, and feeling guilty hormonal stuff is getting pretty old. Whatever position that I am offered if it does not fit in line with my future I think I may have to pass. Becoming someone's wife I have to be more strategic with my career struggles.

The Anti-Bride 2013